Saturday, July 23, 2011

Moving Trucks & Meat-Eating Vegetarians

First, in unrelated news:  I have something dreadful to share. The Youtube channel Goinggoldenagain, which housed every episode of the Golden Girls in order of their seasons, was terminated a few days ago. I'm not exaggerating when I say I watched that show every day, though it mostly plays in the background while I get ready for work or while I'm getting ready for bed at night. I don't have regular T.V., only DVDs, so it was the one part of my day in Cincinnati I watched "normal" T.V. I even timed my workout "stations" in relation to the clips of the show (3 clips for each episode)! I guess this means I have to break down & buy those witty gems on DVD & find a new show to play in the background of my day-to-day activities. 

& Life Goes On.

This week I've been moving back into my parent's house an hour away from Cincinnati because I have to stay there for a month before my house is available in Pittsburgh. In Ohio, like other places, the weather's been in the mid-to-high 90's with high humidity for the last week or two - meaning after I pack one box up in my car I'm exhausted. There's nothing like moving an entire apartment to make you realize how out of shape you truly are, & the excessive heat doesn't make it any easier. Tomorrow morning my brother & Dad are coming down at 7am to pack up as much furniture as possible, & it'll probably be around 80 degrees by then. 

I got Nicki Minaj's cd Pink Friday & it's a good one to work out to, but I keep leaving my iPod in the opposite place I'm staying (apartment/parents' house) so I haven't put it to use except for when doing sit-ups & push-ups when I can play it on my laptop. 

I lost another 3lbs but I think I gained it all back today. If I ever get married I'm adding something about monitoring my strawberry/nutella intake somewhere in the vows. Once I start I can't stop. Also, the "Summer of No Fast Food" has been surprisingly easy... a little too easy after the first week or so. I need something else to work at. Coke is the next logical step... but I don't know if I can go there yet.

The other day I took Nissa to Target because she needed to get new flip flops but they didn't have ANY that weren't for kids. I didn't really need anything except a lint roller but to make the trip/gas usage worth it I walked around the store & walked by a book called "The Beauty Detox" that I ended up buying because it's an easy read & I was curious. It's made me think about some things:
  • I'm fairly certain being vegetarian is the best route anyone can take with their diet. Humans don't seem to be able to naturally obtain meat like other animals: we don't have true claws or sharp teeth & have always needed to rely on man-made tools to hunt (the "sharp" teeth we have are best used for hard nuts/veggies/fruits). Plus humans are one of the only mammals that don't have the enzyme uricase, which breaks down uric acid/purine (a muscle protein). So from what I understand, every time we meat it means our kidneys & intestines have to work double time to excrete the uric acid, which produces excessive toxins in our bodies. Again, I don't know everything there is to know about this, just things i've picked up while reading various magazines/books/the trustful internet. There's also the fact to consider that our DNA is most similar to the chimpanzee, an omnivore... however, the gorilla is an herbivore & I like them better, anyway so let's just all agree that the gorilla has the right idea about this vegetarian thing.
    • Even though I've been thinking about it, I don't know how to act on it. I love me some turkey club sandwiches & chicken... but as far as meat eating goes, that's about the extent of it for me. Every few months I have a cheeseburger or steak but it's pretty rare. Is it too much of a stretch to cut out all meat & dairy products? Will I make exceptions like on holidays? Vegetarian except "once a month" like I did with Coke? After my "Summer of No Fast Food" should it be "Meat-Free Autumn"? Remind me to ask Betty, Kelsey & Alana how they get through the holidays without honey-baked ham. 
I'm not done with the book yet so I won't discuss it too much, I'll just mention that it goes into the topic of gravity-centered colonics but it's currently 1:30am, moving starts again at 7am, I'm in desperate need of a shower, & I don't feel like getting into that uncomfortable scenario tonight. 

the beauty detox solution by kimberly snyder, as brought
to you by my photobooth & cynical yet intrigued glance.
yes, that's a pilot precise v5 pen clipped to my collar.

 nutella & strawberries: my downfall 

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