Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tired of Excuses.

It's truth-telling time. Other than my no-fast food agreement, the last two weeks have had basically no action going on in the fitness & health department but it's been full of stressful drama! I've lost 2 lbs but if you remember my last post about my chemical imbalance of not knowing when to stop eating strawberries & nutella, it turns out I DID gain the 3 lbs I'd lost back. So now I'm up a pound from then. 

I'll start from the beginning:
Throughout the last two weeks of July I was moving out of my apartment back into my parents' house little by little, so I was only staying overnight in the apartment about two or three times a week. One day my landlord called me & asked what belongings I had in the basement because they were cleaning it out before the new tenants moved in upstairs. The basement is set up to be another apartment but it's not fixed up so it's only used for laundry with a lot of spare rooms, & over the years tenants have left everything from computer monitors to armchairs. I told him the only thing that was mine was my laundry in front of the washer & dryer that I was planning on doing when I got back. I had one of those big 3-sectioned laundry hampers. I say HAD because when I got home the next day & went downstairs to do laundry IT WAS GONE. I freaked out & called my landlord & found out they had thrown it away! One section held clothes that were all together worth about $300, including clothes from my job, Anthropologie. (A job that depends on me wearing their latest trends, no less.) The middle section held sheets, two standard shams & King shams that were about $150 & the third section held my duvet cover that was about $200 when I got it. That duvet cover was perfect! It was a pretty nude cream shade that transitioned through all the seasons. But I digress.

It took a couple days to get that all straightened out with the landlord who was ignoring my emails & calls so I had to go there in person & it won't be taken care of until the end of the month when I see how much of my deposit I get back.

Ironically, the stress of this & other situations involving an old roommate, working, & finalizing school made me want to just crawl in bed & sleep. So I did. It didn't make me feel better. I could tell I'd feel better if I did something active, but at the same time I didn't have the energy for it so it was a slothful cycle of laziness. I understand now that it's going to take more than just not eating fast food to get into truly healthy habits & break this cycle of excuses I've been using ever since I started college! Hence...

I HAVE A (FUTURE) PERSONAL TRAINER. The situation is perfect but dangerous. It's perfect because my trainer will always be there for me for support! It's dangerous because the trainer is also my future roommate & I won't have a buffer zone for my consumption of entire packs of Oreos in one sitting.

That's right, one of my future roommates Jonathan is a personal trainer at the Urban Active gym I was already planning on joining since it's so close to Anthropologie! I figure by making this commitment to not only myself but publicly with a blog, my family, & my roommates, I'm sure to succeed in making some life long changes. Not to mention getting a rockin' bod by my 23rd birthday in December.

A chubby girl can dream, right?

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